Howdy 3D printing enthusiasts!,A monthly meeting is on the 1st Wednesday of each month at Factur makerspace. Please continue to invite friends who are interested in 3D printing. Our group welcomes beginners, and no prior 3D printing experience is required to join us.As always, please bring any projects that you’d like to share with the group, and any topics you’d like to forward to seeing you!…P.S. There’s another monthly meeting on the 3rd Wednesday. It’s held at the DeltaMaker factory just south of downtown Orlando. It’s hosted by Bob Houston, founder/organizer of the meetup group. Check our meetup listings for details. If parking is unavailable in the front, you may park in the back on Brookhaven, between the wrestling gym and the cross-fit is a tree in the middle of the parking lot. The Great Swami will be your host. If you have any questions, please contact