Behind the Scenes: What was so special about “Rendel’s ho…

Eleanor Rye explores Rendlesham and its wider environment through place-names.

About this Event

A handful of place-names hint at the extraordinary nature of Rendlesham, indicating connections with the Roman town at Hacheston and the princely burials at Sutton Hoo. Other place-names tell more ordinary stories about landscape and settlements of the wider area. This talk will explore what place-names tell us about Rendlesham as a remarkable place but will also discuss the more ordinary names which allow us to understand Rendlesham’s place in the wider environment of south-east Suffolk.

The talk is free and will be held live online with a question and answer session.

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Image: Cary’s New Map of England And Wales (1974) (from David Rumsey Map Collection, David Rumsey Map Center, Stanford Libraries)