BIRTHFIT | Breath & Flow | Dr Julie

The series is designed for women that are at least 4 weeks postpartum but anyone can benefit! In the Postpartum Breath & Flow Series, you will: Start with improving breathing patterns that will evolve into full body functional motor patterns (Movement is life!) Establish a solid core foundation, (no kegels, crunches or sit-ups) Repair Diastasis By the 3rd Trimester, 100% of all women will have a diastasis. What are you doing to repair it? Activate your Pelvic Floor Dribbling and/or peeing our pants is common but most certainly NOT normal and NOT okay Enhance your posture through safe, effective movements that transfer to any activity of daily life. (Keep up with your baby!) Come ready to move and reconnect with your breath and body again! This is a movement class so please dress accordingly and bring a yoga mat! CLASSES: Wednesday Afternoons @ 12:15pm December 2, 9 & 16. Register by phone: 920.468.4199 $169 Class Series Fee Non-mobile babies are welcome. | Contact | Privacy | Terms