Call For Public Speakers – Open Mic Night NOW VIRTUAL ON …

Open Mic Public Speakers Club where everyone who attends gets an opportunity to speak for 1 to 7 minutes.

About this Event

The purpose of the Speaker Enrichment Academy, formerly known as the Las Vegas Public Speakers Club, is to create a community where you can sharpen your speaking skills, grow your biz and make some great connections and partnerships.

The Open Mic event format looks like this:Time: The event starts at 6:00 pm, everyone who shows up gets from 1 to 7 minutes to speak with a couple of minutes of positive audience feedback following their message. We go until everyone has had an opportunity to speak and then…we’re done!

Location: While we are under a moratorium of meeting in person, we are currently meeting virtually on ZOOM. Here’s the info you need to join us on zoom: Join Zoom Meeting via Computer

YOUR SPEAKING TOPIC We encourage everyone to speak at these meetings… for at least a minute. (However, you are never forced to do anything that you don’t want to do!)

The purpose of your speaking can be anything you choose… You can speak about your business, a story, a part of your signature speech, anything that you want…it is your time to share.BUT…If you wanted a couple of topic choices to get the creativity flowing….here is what we suggest:

1. What you do

2. What you are passionate about

3. A Turning Point in your life

4. A story of inspiration

5. A story of motivation

Again…you can speak on anything you like and we are excited to hear from you.

Cost: Your first visit is complimentary. If you’ve attended before, it’s time to join our Speaker Enrichment Program.

A Silver Level Membership ($37/mo – annual membership, or $399 single pay) offers you the opportunity to attend one, two, three or all four Speakers Open Mic events each month for an entire year where you’ll have a guaranteed opportunity to speak, record yourself and receive positive feedback. Upgrades to higher levels in the Speakers Enrichment Program are available which offer more speaking, networking and mastermind opportunities. We’ll discuss those opportunities at the event.

Please grab the appropriate ticket to claim your speaking spot. We want to make sure we have plenty of seats available for attendees!

We look forward to seeing you at the Speakers Open Mic night of the Ultimate Speaker Enrichment Program!