This workshop is hosted by the owner of Simplicity Organizers. Laurie Martin has been a professional organizer since 2006 and has been hosting these workshops for the past 8 years. Please join us for this informational workshop that includes specific details about the organizing profession, drawbacks and benefits to organizing, information about Simplicity, and additional time to ask questions.
Feel free to email or call us with additional questions about this email‘s cell-704-965-0264
What Attendees are Saying: I liked the laid-back atmosphere of the workshop. Laurie was very transparent regarding the pros and cons of being a professional organizer, I really appreciated her honesty. -Angela P. I enjoyed that the workshop really puts into perspective that organizing, creating systems and productivity are in fact professions and a need. I am thankful that Laurie’s presentation was honest and open especially regarding pay structure etc. I think the handout was great and the quotes from members of the team about the reality of the profession were priceless. -Victoria S. I enjoyed hearing all the comments the other women had to say about their passion for organizing and why they were there at the workshop. I also thought it was very well run and made me feel welcomed. We were not just sitting and listening, but also could ask questions. -Lisa H. | Contact | Privacy | Terms