Title: Psychopharmacology 2020 Course Description: The primary purpose of this workshop is to bring to the participants the latest pharmaceutical applications to the diagnostics of the DSM 5. Many of our patients take medications to function at their highest level of success, but psychotropics do present adverse drug effects and monitoring is required. An overview of counselor monitoring for medication efficacy will be discussed. The workshop will also highlight the body of knowledge of psychotropic medications including the latest anti-depressants, anti-psychotics, anti-anxiety, mood stabilizers, psycho-stimulants, and herbal psychotropic. A recent review of the latest research in the neurobiology of anxiety, depression and substance use disorders will also included in this presentation. Learning Objectives: 1. Discuss and identify classes of drugs used to treat the spectrum of mental disorders; 2. Evaluate the latest medications used to treat MDD, GAD, and PTSD; 3. Outline the neurobiology of anxiety, depression, and psychotic disorders; 4. Discuss the most recent advances in drug therapies in the mental health and substance use treatment fields; 5. The latest review of the neurobiology of substance use disorders. Bio: Dr. Merrill Norton is a Clinical Associate Professor at the University of Georgia College of Pharmacy with his specialty areas to include psychopharmacology and addiction pharmacy. He has also been a faculty member of the Fairleigh-Dickinson University Postdoctoral Training Program in the Masters of Psychopharmacology, Alliant International University of San Francisco College of Psychology, University of Georgia School of Continuing Education, and Berry College in the areas of Psychopharmacology and Addiction Pharmacy. His area of specialty in addiction pharmacy is the management of chronic pain in the addicted patient. Recently, Dr. Norton received an Emmy from the National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences’ Southeastern Chapter for his work on the Spanish language documentary Prescription Drugs, Legally Dangerous. Another of Dr. Norton’s distinctions ishe became one of the first of four inductees into the Georgia Addiction Counselors Association’s Hall of Fame by being presented with the Addiction Counselor Emeritus Award. The award honors Dr. Norton’s outstanding contributions over and above the call of duty in furthering the mission of GACA, advocating for clients suffering from substance use disorder, fostering relationships with professional organizations, providing quality care for clients, and upholding with integrity the highest standards of this organization. Dr. Norton’s national reputation as a counselor, pharmacist, educator, and author qualifies him uniquely for this prestigious distinction and that is why the GACA Board of Directors unanimously voted for Dr. Norton to be the first GACA counselor to be inducted to the GACA Hall of Fame. “Congratulations to one of the most respected individual working with substance use disorder clients-we are very grateful that you have provided the leadership and knowledge of how to manage a very difficult treatment population.” His book, The Pharmacology of Psychoactive Chemical Use, Abuse, and Dependence, and his DVD series, “The Hijacking of the Brain” have been used to train thousands of mental health professionals nationally; they have become the standards of teaching excellence in the addiction treatment profession. His new books, The Pharmacology of Substance Use Disorders and The Practitioners’ Guide to Opioid Use Disorders were released in December 2018. Continuing Education Credit: Application is pending by LPCA-GA for 3 continuing education hours Application is pending by GSCSW for 3 continuing education hours Refund Policy: Requests must be in writing. Refunds will be given on requests postmarked or faxed no later than 7 business days prior to the seminar. No refunds will be issued for «late arrivals» and «no shows». Address: October Road, Inc, Erin Evans, Administrative Assistant/Seminar Coordinator, 119 Tunnel Road Suite B, Asheville, NC. 28805-1800. Fax: (828) 350-1300. Requests may also be emailed to eevans@pyramidhc.com. Fievent.com | Contact | Privacy | Terms