Re-Activate and Re-Align: A Reset to your Core Self

Re-Activate and Re-Align: A Reset to your Core Self with CRISTINA DAM COST: $22  |  REGISTRATION RECOMMENDED: 323-745-0495  Feeling stressed and emotionally/mentally attached to emotions that no longer serve you? Come join us for a middle of the week reset meditation! Break free of limitations and shift your perspective of your issues and problems! Explore the outreaches of your mind, expertly guided by Hypnotherapist, Pranic Healer & Liberate Founder Cristina Dam. HYPNOTHERAPY: utilizes the power of positive suggestion to bring about subconscious change to our thoughts, feelings and behavior. PRANIC HEALING: is a powerful no-touch healing modality which uses life force energy, or prana, to heal physical and emotional ailments.  ABOUT CRISTINA Liberate Emporium Owner & Hypnotherapist Cristina is a bright-eyed, warm-hearted mover and shaker who skipped a few grades in school and possessed two masters degrees by the age of 23. Hailing from Kenosha, Wisconsin, she has always had larger-than-life ideas and a hunger and motivation to change the world! As an *****, she has held onto the magic and childlike knowing that anything is possible with effort and dedication, a wis-bit she instills in everyone she meets. Cristina loves helping people transform their lives. Fascinated with hypnosis since she was a child, she would make-believe-hypnotize friends and family members. As an *****, her interest grew serious when she saw the incredible results of hypnotherapy as compared with traditional therapy. She went on to study Hypnotherapy at the Hypnosis Motivation Institute, the only accredited hypnotherapy school in the nation. Cristina holds Masters degrees in both Psychology and Educational Foundations and is a Certified Addiction Treatment Specialist.  She designed and implemented a prevention rehabilitation program for inner-city youth at juvenile correctional institutions in Los Angeles County, and has worked with ***** prison inmates to reduce the recidivism rate upon their release into society. A multi-faceted healer, she has studied countless alternative modalities and is especially skilled in NLP (Neuro-linguistic Processing), Pranic Healing, Reiki and Meditation. A perpetual student of The World, Cristina is always challenging herself to learn and try new things. In addition to owning, operating and practicing at Liberate Emporium and Liberate Hollywood, she is the founder of the tech travel start-up company Xplorer and her own non-profit organization Motivate Humanity. Last but certainly not least, she is a writer and producer of many conscious media projects in hopes of positively impacting society, most notably the franchise film animated series Trekkie, which is dedicated to building wildlife reserves around the world.  No matter what it is you’re seeking to transform, Cristina can set you on the path to freedom. She gets to the root of mental, emotional, physical and financial struggle. With a gift for getting into your unconscious mind, Cristina will effectively change the way you think, behave, and live your life. Get ready for big, positive change!

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