Reflective Practice – Taking Time Out to Think

As an organisation, The Engagement Coach is passionate about the value reflective practice brings to learning.

About this Event

The topic of reflective practice is included in all of our leadership development programmes, knowing the impact this can have to both our personal and professional lives. Knowledge of theories of a subject such as reflective practice isn’t enough; any sessions on this topic must include practise, to appreciate the full benefits this offers.

We are therefore excited to announce that we have designed an online workshop specifically focusing on understanding reflective practice.

Whilst the concept of reflective practice may be an easy one to understand, the application of this to everyday work situations can be confusing. Amrit Sandhar (Founder of The Engagement Coach) has worked with this topic personally for the last 15 years and has since gone on to develop a methodology that can make both the concept, and the practical application to everyday situations, more easily understood. Despite understanding a concept and gaining knowledge of how to apply it, in a busy work environment with so many tasks competing for a manager’s time, maintaining this practice can be challenging. Therefore, understanding how to incorporate reflective practice, the value of taking time out to think, and more importantly, how to do it within your current work environment is critical.

What will be covered within the 60-minute workshop?

• Understanding how we learn – the value of taking time out to think and reflecting

• Understanding how reflective practice is used to challenge beliefs and assumptions allowing us to take greater accountability

• Acknowledging that we cannot trust our senses when reacting to situations all around us

• Understanding the structure and methodology developed by The Engagement Coach to work through reflective practice

• Practise reflecting in the sessions, using the structure provided and explore challenges to see how we can overcome them

• Explore the power of habits and how they can be used to apply new knowledge, increasing the possibilities of putting learning into action

Also included in the price is a copy of the hardback (new) journal design that will be posted to you within 7 days of enrolling onto the course. The Engagement Coach’s reflective practice journal is filled with inspirational quotes, colouring illustrations to help with focus and creativity, and a series of questions to provide a structured approach to better understand your thoughts/ feelings. Working through the questions will allow you to really take time out to think and really challenge yourself by answering them in as much detail as possible.