Safe Spaces: Recognizing and Preventing Harassment in the…

In order for each of us to do our best, it is critical that we work together to create a workplace environment that is emotionally safe and respectful of all of the differences that we bring to work with us each day.  Safe Spaces: Recognizing and Preventing Harassment in the Workplace was created specifically for that purpose. Starting with an exploration of what genuinely respectful workplaces look like, this program explores the behaviors that lead to consistently respectful work cultures and those that do just the opposite. This leads to a discussion and exploration of the legal obligations that we all have to co-create an environment free of discrimination and harassment as defined by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. In particular, it focuses in detail on sexual harassment because of its complexity and sometimes subjective elements. Learning Objectives: Define respect and what respectful behaviors look like Define both harassment and discrimination Take a comprehensive look at the different types of sexual harassment (Quid Pro Quo and Hostile Work Environment) Explore a series of fact patterns and quizzes that will help the participant develop a better understanding of what each looks like Clarify who can be either an accuser or offender in both discrimination and harassment scenarios Define and explore retaliation and what can happen if employers retaliate Who Should Attend: Organization Development Professionals, HR Personnel, Training Directors, Executives, Management and Individuals looking to enhance their performance, respectful interactions and leadership abilities.