Shanti Hot Yoga Live Interactive Vinyasa Flow Beg/Int wit…

Shanti Hot Yoga Live Interactive Yoga Vinyasa Flow Beginner with Meredith

About this Event

Vinyasa, in Sanskrit means to place in a special way. At Shanti, we offer vinyasa flow as movement based class that connects physical movement to prana (breath) so that you can learn to move through postures postures and breathing in sync.

This class offers a range of postures including Surya Namaskars, standing hip opening and neutral postures, twists, backbends, inversions, forward folds, and more that are appropriate to the level.

Beginners classes emphasize breaking down the anatomical form of commonly practiced “Blue Print” postures such as plank, cobra vs upward facing dog, warriors, introductory backbends/twists/forward folds, core work, and much more.

Expect to move dynamically, increase strength and flexibility both physically and mentally, and challenge yourself!

All classes at Shanti incorporate 2 – 4 minutes of dedicated breath work and/or meditation, a group OM, and a chance to meet a fellow yogi in the community so help you find your peace.

Shanti Hot Yoga Online Interactive Zoom Class

Please note this class takes place online from one of our phenomenal instructors in Los Angeles, California

How it Works

Register for class on our website or on the Shanti Hot Yoga app in the Google Play or Apple App store.

Please have Zoom downloaded on your laptop, tablet, or smartphone as the class is hosted through zoom.

You’ll receive a link within an hour of the start time of class which is the link to open the class when it’s time. Arrive 5 – 10 minutes before the start of class to introduce yourself. During the class, we ask you to keep your mic on mute so everyone clearly hears the instructor. After class feel free to speak to the group!

Position your mat so the instructor can fully see you and support you during your practice.

Check that you’re in a room with enough space to practice, good internet, and consider headphones to better hear and concentrate on the experience.

Props needed: One Mat, 2 or more blocks, a strap, weights (Barre and Sculpt), and a blanket to pad your knees or sit on.

A bolster/blocks/rolled-up blanket is always nice under your knees or on top of your pelvis for savasana.

Props are available for pickup from our local studio in Culver City.

Use what you need to get comfortable and feel free to ask questions before or after class or on the chat feature! Our teachers are here to support you!

Here is a little about your teacher Meredith:

There’s a forward moving energy to yoga that Meredith loves; as your practice evolves, so do you. Meredith believes that through yoga you get to know yourself better and as you know yourself better, you’re able to interact with yourself and the world around from a space of authenticity. Meredith is known for her vibrant yet down-to-earth energy; her students leave feeling capable & ready to venture back out into the world. Meredith’s classes build muscle memory by marrying creative sequencing with functional body alignment. Originally from the midwest, Meredith (500 RYT) has had over 600 hours of yoga instruction both in Chicago and in LA.