. Tamefow Kanban TTT – Train The Trainer

TTT – Train The Trainer  Tameflow Kanban CTT     This training programme to become a Tameflow CTT – (Certified Tameflow Trainer) is 40 hours long. It is custom designed for each trainer depending on their level of expertise in Tameflow Kanban and ability to deliver the content & simulations in a class setting. The 40 hours can include conversations over the phone, email exchanges, **** to **** communication, classroom participation etc. Upon completion of the programme, each Tameflow Certified Tameflow Trainer can attend for free – if needed – two classes given by an established CTT : KF – Kanban Foundation (Lead Time Kanban) & KC – Kanban cadences (Throughput Kanban) at no charge to improve mastery of the material. Potential trainers who have taken the KF – Kanban Foundation (Lead Time Kanban) and KC – Kanban Cadences (Throughput Kanban) classes from Tameflow will have those charges credited towards their TTT fees. The TTT programme costs 5,000$US   Upon receipt of payment, the following events will take place:    The teaching decks The relevant reading list Mastery of the simulations for each class Mastery of the delivery of both KF and KC class material  Free access to a TTT trainer for Q&A Support from a TTT trainer to co-teach classes if economics of the class permit A path to success with a timeline Access to Steve Tendon when conditions apply  Your status as a CTT (Certified Tameflow Trainer) is of the public domain and will be posted on the proper page of Tameflow.com and/or AgileAgonist.com … The page will link to your site, twitter handle and/or LinkedIn profile according to your choice.  A 2,500US$ advance on certificate costs is required to remain in good standing and is renewed by agreement of both parties. The 2,500US$ is then credited towards the certificate costs invoiced to the trainer by Tameflow.    Public class certificate remittances are 100$US Private class certificate remittances are 25$US    

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