Las Vegas officially the City of Las Vegas and often known as simply Vegas, is a city in the United States, the most populous city in the state of Nevada, the county seat of Clark County, and the city proper of the Las Vegas Valley. Las Vegas is an internationally...
7ei of Trauma Sensitive Schools Participants will attend a four day workshop in which they will be trained by SaintA training staff on SaintA’s 7ei module of trauma sensitive schools. Participants will enhance their knowledge about the underlying research and resources that support 7ei. Participants will be equipped with tools...
TTT - Train The Trainer Tameflow Kanban CTT This training programme to become a Tameflow CTT - (Certified Tameflow Trainer) is 40 hours long. It is custom designed for each trainer depending on their level of expertise in Tameflow Kanban and ability to deliver the content & simulations...
DRDC Shedra's Madhyamaka Class begins on Sunday, 3/10/2019 @ 2 pm Class schedule: 2nd & 4th Sunday of each month from 2 pm to 4:30 pm Texts: Nagarjuna’s Mulamadhyamakakarika (The Fundamental Wisdom of the Middle Way) Mipham Rinpoche’s Beacon of Certainty Śāntaraksita’s Madhyamakālajkārakārikā (Ornament of the Middle Way) Maitreya’s Uttaratantra...
Join Tai Chi Master and TaijiFit creator David-Dorian Ross in a lively training weekend to become a TaijiFit instructor. You'll get access to a very complete library of videos, photos, illustrations and textbook to study at home as well. CLICK ON THE TICKETS BUTTON TO SEE DATES AND LOCATIONS, Certification...
Thank you for your interest in Brunch'n Beauties! We, Beauties, host quarterly brunches at exclusive venues throughout the Houston area to allow women to socialize and network. We also participate in various community events, social gatherings and entertainment as well. We are looking for women who can form an unbreakable...
***Club USA Large Event***No extremists will be allowed in . No Nazis, Communist, KKK, Antifa, white supremacist, I.E., or white nationalists. This is an opportunity for moderate americans to come in with opposing views. We will not allow the extremists to tear apart this country.Specifically, Richard Spencer and Nathan Damigo...
The First Annual Rendez-vous at Ste. Anne de Detroit is a French Canadian and Native American festival and fundraiser, celebrating the founding heritages of Detroit. French Canadian and Native American music, dancing, food, wine, artisans, children's activities with storytelling, French Canadian and Native American Heritage Exhibits, Silent Auction and Raffle....
Friends of Garland's Historic Magic 11th Street is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to historic preservation as defined by the National Trust for Historic Preservation based in Washington, D.C., and also to the redevelopment of the traditional central core of downtown Garland, TX. The organization believes the history of Garland...
稅稅稅, 美國是一個萬萬稅的國家! 您可知道世界首富巴菲特和比爾.蓋茨的稅率比他們的 秘書還低? 如果您還想在2017 年這報稅前的最後衝刺階段, 想要了解2017年新稅法, 合理省稅,節稅,延稅, 避稅的方法,請把握這個機會與保險理財師精英團隊面對面, 讓您開闊眼界,打開財富的大門! 主講人: Victor Changsheng Li (李長勝) 資深理財師 主講人現場將圍繞下列問題講授:- 2017年稅法新知與省稅節稅技巧- 輕鬆退休 如何建立一個永久的、免稅的、有保障的養老金- 讓孩子贏在起跑線上 大學教育基金方案- 節稅、延稅、免稅,一次付稅, 永久免稅- 善用杠杆原理,让养老金最大化 特別提醒 :本講座謝絕同行業人士參加,憑有效ID入場 網上註冊(點擊綠色區域Register)或電話預約:408 966 3961 時間待定,另行通知地點待定,另行通知 您也可以報名以下您感興趣的講座 財商系列講座:如何計劃一個無憂的退休人生? 財商系列講座:如何通過《省稅,節稅,免稅》讓您的財富最大化! 財商系列講座:三種終身保障免稅收入與無稅退休規劃 財商系列講座:孩子大學費用規劃和全額助學金計劃 財商系列講座:怎樣做才能使錢保證越花越多 財商系列講座:《遺產與信託》 財商系列講座:走後門與退休理財(Backdoor, Mega Backdoor and Retirement Planning) 財商系列講座:如何應對費用昂貴的長期護理? 財商系列講座:如何買到最合適的人壽保險及各種人壽保險保單的診斷原則 ...