CoderDojo Petaluma

We are a youth programming club with a focus on community, mentoring and self-led learning. We teach and learn how to code, build websites, apps, or games and explore technology in a laid-back, creative, fun and social environment. Registration is encouraged and sessions can fill up quickly.   FAQs   What ages can participate? Ninjas are typically between the ages of 7 and 17, though anyone who wants to learn and isn’t too rowdy can join us. Teens and adults often participate as mentors. Do parents need to attend? Library rules require that children under the age of 8 must be accompanied by an *****. Otherwise, it’s optional. What can/can’t I bring to the event? Food, drink, video games, and noisy distractions have to stay outside. Laptops, tablets, and programming toys such as Lego Mindstorms are encouraged. Where can I contact the organizer with any questions? A list of rules and what to expect is available on our website. Email if you have any other questions. Do I have to bring my printed ticket to the event? Tickets are not necessary, we usually have a roll call at the beginning of each session. Are laptops available? What about wifi? Yes, the library has some laptops which are usually available. We highly encourage students to bring a laptop or tablet from home if possible, however, so that they can continue their coding adventures at home. Wifi is available for everyone, directions will be provided at the start of the event.